BlueParrott M300-XT Bluetooth Headset- User Start Guide - Manual

What do the buttons do on the BlueParrott M300-XT headset? 

How To Use the BlueParrott M300-XT Headset Video Transcript 0:00:04.800,0:00:06.560Have you purchased the Blueparrott M300-XT? 0:00:06.560,0:00:10.400And you have questions on exactly how to get the best usage of this device?0:00:10.400,0:00:13.040Well, I'm here to help! As I disseminate the0:00:13.040,0:00:15.920basics on how to get started with the Blueparrott M300-XT.0:00:18.800,0:00:22.240Today we're taking a look at the Blue Parrot M300-XT0:00:22.240,0:00:23.120Bluetooth headset.0:00:23.120,0:00:24.000Let's dive right in.0:00:25.120,0:00:27.600How do I turn the Blue Parrot M300-XT on or off? 0:00:28.320,0:00:29.120It's a good question.0:00:29.120,0:00:31.840So what you're going to do is look for that very top button.0:00:31.840,0:00:34.400And you want to hold that button down for about two seconds.0:00:34.960,0:00:36.880And it will start flashing blue.0:00:37.600,0:00:40.240And you'll hear a voice that'll say "Power On".0:00:41.040,0:00:42.720"Your headset is connected".0:00:42.720,0:00:44.240And that's all you have to do to turn it on.0:00:44.240,0:00:46.720Now to turn off you're going to do the exact same thing.0:00:46.720,0:00:49.680So you'll hold that button down for two seconds.0:00:49.680,0:00:54.080And you will also see the light starting to flash red.0:00:54.080,0:00:56.080And it'll say "power off"0:00:56.080,0:00:57.920"You r headset has been disconnected".0:00:57.920,0:00:59.200And that's all you've got to do0:00:59.200,0:01:01.680to turn the Blue Parrot M300-XT on or off.0:01:02.960,0:01:04.640And before we go to the next question.0:01:04.640,0:01:06.240Don't forget to bump the like button0:01:06.240,0:01:08.560as Youtube will keep showing this video0:01:08.560,0:01:09.920to more people that have questions0:01:09.920,0:01:11.840about BlueParrott headsets.0:01:12.880,0:01:15.680How do i answer calls using the Blue Parrot M300-XT?0:01:16.880,0:01:18.400So to answer a call0:01:18.400,0:01:19.280what you're going to do0:01:19.280,0:01:20.720is press the top button0:01:20.720,0:01:23.120which is called the multi-function button.0:01:23.120,0:01:25.040You're going to press that when you're getting a call.0:01:25.040,0:01:26.160And it will pick up the call0:01:26.160,0:01:28.800And when you're trying to disconnect the call0:01:28.800,0:01:29.600and you're done talking0:01:29.600,0:01:30.880you're going to do the same thing.0:01:30.880,0:01:32.240You press that button0:01:32.240,0:01:35.040and it will go ahead and disconnect the call.0:01:35.040,0:01:37.440So there's another trick in here that you0:01:37.440,0:01:39.920may want to know and that's rejecting a call.0:01:39.920,0:01:41.920Hold the button down for two seconds0:01:41.920,0:01:45.280and the call will be rejected on your phone0:01:45.280,0:01:45.920it's that simple.0:01:46.960,0:01:49.440How do i adjust the volume on the Blueparrott M300-XT? 0:01:50.800,0:01:52.480All right on the Blueparrott M300- XT0:01:52.480,0:01:55.600you have a plus and a minus button.0:01:55.600,0:01:58.960Your plus is going to adjust your volume upwards.0:01:58.960,0:02:02.320Your minus will adjust your volume downwards.0:02:02.320,0:02:06.560And here's a quick tip on the volume levels on the Blue Parrot M300-XT.0:02:06.560,0:02:09.520Many of you that have been using the Blue Parrot M300-XT0:02:09.520,0:02:13.040have noted how the volume levels may not be the same0:02:13.040,0:02:15.120as other headsets that they've made.0:02:15.120,0:02:17.360Now blue parrot has found a bug in the0:02:17.360,0:02:19.760Blueparrott M300-XT that limited the volume0:02:19.760,0:02:23.280and hence released an update to its firmware0:02:23.280,0:02:26.160so you'll want to download the Blueparrott mobile app0:02:26.160,0:02:29.200and go ahead and download the latest update.0:02:29.200,0:02:31.920I'll put a link in the video that we created0:02:31.920,0:02:33.840so that you can know how to get that done.0:02:35.120,0:02:37.600How do I mute myself during a call on the Blue Parrot M300-XT?0:02:39.120,0:02:41.360All right so there's two ways

to mute yourself.0:02:41.360,0:02:42.800When you use the blue parrot.0:02:42.800,0:02:45.760Blue parrot allows this button to be the0:02:45.760,0:02:48.000mute button during a call.0:02:48.000,0:02:50.800So if you've got it programmed for other functions0:02:50.800,0:02:53.600it will revert to being a mute button.0:02:53.600,0:02:55.680Now there's a second way to also mute0:02:55.680,0:02:57.440take a look at this plus button.0:02:58.080,0:03:01.040This button, if you hold it down for two seconds0:03:01.040,0:03:03.600while you're on a call will also trigger0:03:03.600,0:03:04.400the mute function.0:03:04.960,0:03:06.800And to unmute you would do the same thing0:03:06.800,0:03:08.560for both buttons so mute unmute.0:03:08.560,0:03:10.800I would just stick with the blue parrot buttons0:03:10.800,0:03:13.440right on the side so you'll have no confusion0:03:13.440,0:03:14.320on what's going on.0:03:14.320,0:03:16.240You just have to know that it becomes0:03:16.240,0:03:17.760your default mute button0:03:17.760,0:03:19.200while you're on a conversation.0:03:20.080,0:03:21.760I want to thank you for watching us today0:03:21.760,0:03:23.680and I've got a couple other helpful videos0:03:23.680,0:03:26.720here on screen about the Blueparrott M300- XT0:03:26.720,0:03:31.840check those out and I'll see you in those videos.0:03:37.120,0:03:37.620Blueparrott M300-XT

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